'NZ Specialty Grand Champion Award'

Only 3 Shelties have won this award, and they are:


Jenine Bishop was delighted that Becker- 

'NZ SPL Gr Ch & NZ Ch & Aust Sup Ch Shatrin Saints Beckon (Imp-Aust)'

Owned by J Bishop and bred by P Limkin (aust)

Won Best In Show at the Central Shetland Sheepdog Speciality Champion Show in May 20202.

 This win enabled him to win the final Best In Show Specialty required for the title of NZ Specialty Grand Champion under Specialty Judge Lavina Diamanti NZ. The other 2 judges who awarded him Best In Shows were also specialty judges, Julia Van Dinter Aust. & Lisa Berrell Aust. He also has won 4 Res In Shows, all under Specialty judges. You also have to have 50 challenge certificates, he as about 96.




               The sceond of the three that holds this award is......

'SPL Gr Ch Shelton Troupador'

     Who is the only NZ Bred winner.  owned by L Diamanti and Bred by R & L Greer.






 And of course the amazing

'Aust Sup Ch & NZ Sup Ch & NZ SPL Gr Ch Beauideal Rock My World (Imp-Aust)'




Who was one of the highest awarded Shelties and indeed all breeds in New Zealand.

From memory Jenine thinks she had won, 13 best in Shows. Her final BIS was has the grand age of 13 years old.
